December 7, 2013 - WVUP Public Relations - Bright Ideas Energy Efficiency Expo 2013 - program / newspaper 


December 7, 2013 - WVU Parkersburg Public Relations Students to Host Energy Efficiency Expo Dec. 7. on WVUP student affairs website. 


November 11, 2013 - Editorial Report highlights steps state can take to improve energy efficiency in the Huntington Register Herald


November 6, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr. W. Va. makes strides, but still ranked low on energy efficiency in the WV Gazette


November 6, 2013 - Jim Ross - Citizen Action Group Appeals Harrison Power Plant Sale in the WV State Journal


November 6, 2013 - Associated Press - Citizen Action Group Appeals Ruling on Harrison Plant Deal in the Daily Mail


November 6, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr - FirstEnergy Case Appealed to Supreme Court in WV Gazette.


November 2, 2013 - Warren E. Stewart - Op. Ed.Lets hope consumer advocate does just that in the WV Gazette.


October 9, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr. MonPower accepts PSC plant sale conditions in the WV Gazette. 


October 8, 2013 -Ken Ward Jr. Group to appeal PSC decision on Harrison Plant in the WV Gazette.

September 13, 2013 - Jeff Jenkins, Mon Power says it needs to know soon on Harrison Power Station, in WV Metro News.
September 11, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr., Buying power cheaper than power plant, group says, in the Sunday WV Gazette.
August 27, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr., PSC seeks hearing on Harrison plant deal, in the WV Gazette

August 26, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr., Harrison plant costs too high, consumer group says, in the WV Gazette


August 22, 2013 - Dan Heyman Harrison Power Plant Deal Still 'Not Good' for Ratepayers. Public News Service West Virginia

August 21, 2013 - FirstEnergy Harrison Settlement Not in the Public Interest - Keryn Newman Stop Path WV Blog
August 21, 2013 - FirstEnergy Settlement - Smoke and Mirrors - Bill Howley, The Power Line
August 21, 2013 - Jim Ross - FirstEnergy reaches settlement in asset transfer case in the State Journal
August 21, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr. Deal reached (mostly) in Harrison Plant Case in Coal Tattoo, Charleston Gazette.
August 21, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr. FirstEnergy says it has deal on Harrison County plant in the Charleston Gazette. 
August 8, 2013 - Walton Shepherd West Virginia Needs to Rethink its Energy letter to the editor in the Daily Mail. 
July 31, 2013 - Pam Kasey Virginia Commission rejects APCo purchase of Mitchell plant in the State Journal

July 31, 2013 - Editorial: Energy efficient consumers should not have to pay surcharge. in Clarksburg Exponent -Telegram.

Updated July 17, 2013 - Pam Kasey ApCo Intervenors to PSC: Just one unit, efficiency, RFP in the State Journal
July 16, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr. PSC Starts hearings on AEP Power plant deal in the WV Gazette.
July 10, 2013 Pam Kasey, ApCo billion-dollar power plant transfer case heard July 16 - 18 in the State Journal.

June 27, 2013 Stacy Gloss and Cathy Kunkel -Utilities should seek energy efficiency first - Op-ed in the State Journal. 
June 21, 2013 - Taylor Kuykendall, Manchin puts support behind energy efficiency bill in the State Journal.
June 21, 2013 - Pam Kasey, ACEEE: Energy efficiency still cheaper than new generation  in the State Journal. 

May 21, 2013 -Pam Kasey, Unions, ratepayers rally outside FirstEnergy shareholder meeting in the State Journal.

May 20, 2013 - Pam Kasey,  FirstEnergy: Harrison may run less if MonPower doesn't buy it in the State Journal.

May 16, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr., Opposition building to FirstEnergy power plant deal in the WV Gazette.
May 13, 2013 - Gary Zuckett, Purchase of Harrison Power Station not in the public interest in WV Gazette.
May 9, 2013 - Pam Kasey,  Harrison price four times recent coal-fired plant transactions in the State Journal
May 2, 2013 - Erin Beck Opponents state case against sale of Harrison Power Plant in the Exponent Telegram

April 29, 2013- Pam Kasey WV PSC Staff Analyst: Harrison power plant two times too expensive in the State Journal

April 25, 2013 - Pam Kasey Undertapped market for natural gas: combined heat and power in the State Journal

April 24, 2013 - Bryan Clark Activists allege coal plant is at bottom of rate hike. in the Spirit of Jefferson

April 23, 2013 - Pam Kasey McKinley, Welch introduce bipartisan energy efficiency bill. in the State Journal.

April 18, 2013 - Keryn Newman Inaccurate billing, rate increases only "benefit" of energy merger - Letter to the Editor in the Martinsburg Journal

April 16, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr., Power plant sales, efficiency and coal's real enemies in the Coal Tattoo Blog, WV Gazette

April 9, 2013 - Douglas Gilbert, First Energy's proposal should be rejected, LTE in WV Gazette

April 2, 2013 - Pam Kasey, AEP utilities seek incentive for energy efficiency programs in the WV State Journal. 

April 2, 2013 - Taylor Kuykendall, Two WV AEP Subsidiaries not seeking rate increases in the WV State Journal.


March 30, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr. - Sales of coal power plants raise concerns - West Virginians would foot the bill of higer rates, opponents say. in the WV Gazette.


March 24, 2013 - C.V. Moore - Alloy plant: Plan for recycled energy on hold.


March 14, 2013 We all need power plant transfers to be rejected. (LTE by Becky Muth, Harpers Ferry)


March 10, 2013 Becoming Energy Efficient in the Parkersburg News & Sentinel (LTE by Margaret Meeker)


March 9, 2013 - Station sale will raise electric bills in the Clarksburg Exponent (LTE by Steve Hamilton)


March 9, 2013 - Jim Kotcon and Carol Nix: Pull the plug on higher electric bills in the WV Gazette.


March 9, 2013 Pull the Plug on Higher Electric Bills in the Charleston Gazette (Op Ed by Carol Nix & Jim Kotcon)


March 7, 2013 - Cathy Kunkel Op-Ed Legislature can push energy efficiency, lower electricity blils in the WV Gazette.


March 7, 2013 - Pam Kasey - House bill would keep rising electric rates in check in The State Journal. 


March 6, 2013 PSC Should Say No to Appalachian's Plan in the Charleston Daily Mail (LTE by Marilyn Mullens)

March 6, 2013 Power Utility Should Look for Efficiency in the Charleston Gazette (LTE by Al Justice)


March 6, 2013 - Letter to the Editor, Power utility should look for efficiency in the WV Gazette


March 4, 2013 - Pam Kasey, FirstEnergy efficiency program gets a slow start in 2012 in The State Journal

March 4, 2013 - Al Justice, PSC Needs to Look Closely at Proposal in the Beckley Register-Herald

February 27, 2013- WDTV Channel 5, Group Opposes Power Company's Plan to Buy Power Plant


February 25, 2013 - Associated Press, W.Va. Groups Challenge Mon Power's Plant Purchase


Cathy Kunkel, "Energy Efficiency: Time for a Step Forward" The Highlands Voice, Issue February 2013, p. 4


February 14, 2013 - Ken Ward Jr., Tomblin speech light on energy issues in the Charleston Gazette


February 12, 2013 - Reporter Katie Anderson Local Energy Efficiency Group Holds Public Forum  WBOY.com Channel 12 Clarksburg


February 5, 2013 - Pam Kasey - ApCO, Wheeling Power efficiency programs cutting bills, The State Journal


January 25, 2013 - Bobby Nelson Tri-State Talk Episode 52 - EEWV's Stacy Gloss interviewed about Energy Efficiency


January 24, 2013 - Pam Kasey, Proposed bill would require electric utilities to cost out all resources, The State Journal


January 24, 2013 - Pam Kasey, Could better efficiency prevent a whole power plant?, The State Journal

January 24, 2013 - Pam Kasey, Draft bill seeks to enable industry to generate own power in WV, The State Journal


January 16, 2013 - Taylor Kuykendall, Energy Efficiency Competition to Kick off in Charleston's East End, The State Journal


January 14, 2013 - Jim Balow, East End Residents Encouraged to Compete for Energy Savings, The Charleston Gazette


January 9, 2013 - Jeff Morris, Energy Efficiency Competition Planned for Charleston's East End, on WCHS, Channel 8


January 4, 2013 - Pam Kasey, Utilities' billion dollar proposals to buy coal plants are in, in the State Journal